The Journeys of John and Julia in Chapter One: Genesis by Aurelia

Genre: YA

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Goodreads Says:

The Journeys of John and Julia begin. 
The Twenty-Two are watching. 
Reality is about to change. 

It all starts when Julia’s parents totally mess with her summer. First Julia’s dad takes off to start a whole new family. Then Julia’s mom yanks Julia from cheerleader camp to spend the summer with her grandmother in the land of no signal, no mall, no best friend Kellie. Julia’s only hope for human contact is geeky John Freeman, who is six months younger than she and about a million years behind her idea of cool. 

If only Julia knew that her mom plans to dump her at Grandma’s not just for the summer, but for a whole year. If only Julia knew that a collective of wondrous beings called The Twenty- Two are watching over her and trying to make contact. If only Julia knew that they could tell Julia every thought she never knew she had and bend her reality in any way they choose. And that she’d be with John Freeman when it happened. He’d think that was way cool. 

And that is just the beginning. For this seemingly mismatched pair have cracked open the door to another reality. And their enemy-to-be, the beyond evil Niem Vidalgo Oten, is about to enter the picture.

I have never left a book I’ve started unfinishedUntil now.

I had high hopes for this book. I really love the cover and I found the words used were very articulate but after reading about 60% of the book I found that in the end, it just wasn’t enough. The book begins kind of slow and with a confusing plot. The confusion starts off the book and continues throughout. The characters put a stop to this read for me. Not ONE was likable. They were mostly mean. One of the main characters, Julia, is such a disrespectful little girl. Her mother is selfish and her grandmother is flat out nasty to her mom. All in all I didn’t feel that anything was organic. Nothing flowed naturally.

As always, please read this one for yourself so you can form your own opinion. It just didn’t work out for me.

ARC provided by Gerber Rigler via NetGalley


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