Aftertaste by Stephanie Lawton

Genre: YA

It's Raining Men! 2012 Challenge

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Goodreads Says: Nothing can shield him from the horrible dream. Nothing can protect her from a danger she can't see.

Stephanie Lawton is a poet.

I think what you need to understand about Want and its short story Aftertaste is that it’s not just a story that is being told. Stephanie Lawton creates ambiance and these two stories have a very thick feel to it. Oh and that flow... You’re watching things transpire in slow motion and you can’t help but to feel/ anticipate that something very important is about to happen.

I read Want about two weeks ago and have read a few books in between. The moment I started to read Aftertaste I was immediately transported into that ambiance. I find that amazing. To be able to be right back in that mood that was created in Want without having to adjust takes skills.

This short is written in Isaacs POV, which I appreciated. Isaac really doesn’t let you in while reading Want. He keeps things to himself, a lot. In fact the secrets or feelings revealed throughout the book are revealed by others and rarely by Isaac himself. To get a glimpse of his tortured soul was a treat.

I just can’t help but to like Isaac, feel for him, root for him to figure things out and be happy even if I knew he couldn’t be the one although I wanted him to be the one… AGH! Yeah…

This is a freebie y'all. Pick it up AFTER you read Want!


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