I recently read INHALE by Kendall Grey and fell in love with this world and its people. I reached out to her  and wondered if any of her peeps would be interested in an interview. Zoe and Gavin were kind of busy... Scarlet...well, I didn't really want to interview her (she's kind of scary). Surprisingly, Sinnder volunteered but under the condition that Kendall conduct the interview. (Hey, these Fyres do things on their own terms. I'll take it.)

So now I leave you with the talented Ms. Kendall and the HOT and MYSTERIOUS Sinnder

Howdy, folks. Kendall Grey here. Mirely was kind enough to invite Sinnder and me to do an interview on her blog. I asked some of my Twitter and Facebook friends what they’d like to know about the enigmatic Fyre Elemental from my JUST BREATHE urban fantasy trilogy. They came up with some, erinteresting questions. Sinnder’s a pretty private dude, so I had to push to get straight answers out of him. Even then, he wasn’t as forthcoming as I’d have liked. But he’s not the type of guy you want to nag too much. Underneath that calm exterior is one scary bloke.
Bombs away…

1. Fyre Elementals are so passionate—how do you maintain the patience required to get what you want?
A good hunter must be patient, despite his demons—or perhaps, because of them. Impulsiveness will leave a man hungry, and nobody wants that.

2. Have you ever loved anyone? Like REALLY loved them? Did you lose them? How?
Yes. Yes. Yes. I killed her.

3. What’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you?
See question 2.

4. What’s your favorite spot on the planet?
Any place that’s warm and dry. I’m not picky.

5. Do you combine food and sex?
If I have to.

6. Any BDSM?
*Cracks knuckles* Are you offering?

7. What’s your fave music?
I don’t listen to music. Though Just Breathe isn’t bad. Gavin’s songs have an interesting effect on Zoe. *Flashes a half-smile* I like her.

8. Do you prefer blondes, brunettes, or redheads?
I steer clear of redheads for a number of reasons. Anyone else is fair game.

9. Do you do bondage? Do you need/want a new slave?

10. Boxers or briefs?

11. What do YOU feel when you touch Zoe? Scarlet?
Zoe is a fascinating woman. I’ve only had the pleasure of touching her once, but I’d like to explore her flesh morefully. Maybe with Gavin looking on. That would be stimulating for all involved, I think.
Scarlet isn’t good for my temper. I avoid contact with her.

12. Are you a pussycat in bed or an insatiable lion?
I’m Fire. I can be whatever you want me to be.

Thank you Ms. Kendall and Sinnder! LOVED IT!!

Ok folks, so for those that don't know, Kendall Grey is donating all of the profits of this book to whale research. This is HUGE! It's a worthy cause and if you haven't looked into it you should. Many of Earth's animals/mammals are dying, hell, much of Earth is dying.  We need to take on some responsibility and help to keep her (Earth) and her children alive.  

With that said... I'm gifting 3 INHALE E-books! 

Here is my INHALE review and here is where you can find out more about the Just Breathe Triology

I'm going to leave you with some Just Breathe Knowledge. You'll need the following info for the giveaway. 

 Erthe or Erthe Elemental noun—An Elemental whose body is composed of at least 50% Elemental Earth. Erthes tend to be physically strong, dependable, and rigid in their thinking. Their auras are mostly green.

 Aer or Aer Elemental noun—An Elemental whose body is composed of at least 50% Elemental Air. Aers tend to be intelligent and manipulative. Their auras are mostly yellow.
Fyre or Fyre Elemental noun—An Elemental whose body is composed of at least 50% Elemental Fire. Fyres tend to be passionate and short-fused. Their auras are mostly red.
Wæter or Wæter Elemental noun—An Elemental whose body is composed of at least 50% Elemental Water. Wæters tend to be intuitive and emotional. Their auras are mostly blue.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You MUST be 18 years old and older to enter. This giveaway/gift is open to anyone that can receive an E-Book format. Winner will be announced on May 27. Giveaway/Gift will be emailed within a week of winner's announcement.

 Word diddler and whale champion, Kendall was born without an off-switch between her brain and mouth. She’s been called the “Flux Capacitor of Twitter” and “a little package of love all wrapped up in F-word paper,” but she’s really just a maniacal writer relaying eyewitness accounts of the rave inside her head. She writes urban fantasy romance and dabbles in horror on occasion. Kendall lives off a dirt road near Atlanta, Georgia, but don’t hold that against her.

All images are by the talented Renee Coffey. All terminology is part of Kendall Grey's intellectual property.  Please do not use without permission. -Mirely


  1. .....Sinnder sounds like a little too much fun...

    Great interview! thanks for sharing :)

    1. LOL It's funny because in the book he doesn't really talk too much. This is pretty amazing!

  2. Grins? GRINS??? That's all I get for my questions? Sheesh.

    Ya know, though, that *does* make him hotter. ;)

    Great interview, Kendall!

    1. LOL I think that might be a confirmation of sorts. Hmmm...Take it Noelle, take it.

  3. I MAY have just melted...a little...

