Rumor Has It is extremely honored and excited to be participating in Stephanie Lawton's WANT Blog Tour! 
The Blog Tour has already kicked off and will run through August 13th. I'd love for you all to have every opportunity possible to read character interviews, author interviews, and participate in the giveaways. 
Here’s the schedule for the Blog Tour and what you can expect each day! Click on the name of each blog and go check them out!
July 15-Bookish Brunette-Guest Post, Giveaway of e-copy
July 16-Wake Up At Seven-Interview, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
July 17-The Book Vortex-Character Interview (Dave), Review, Giveaway of e-copy
July 18-Hypable-Interview, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
July 19-Literary Exploration-Polyvore Guest Post, Giveaway of e-copy
July 20-Rumor Has It-Review, Giveaway of e-copy
July 21-Dreaming in Books-Guest Post, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
July 22-Ladybug Storytime-Guest Post, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
July 23-Pageturners Blog-Character Interview (Isaac), Review, Giveaway of e-copy
July 24-Magnet4Books-Guest Post, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
July 25-Novel Thoughts Blog-Interview, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
July 26-BookandaLatte-Guest Post, Giveaway of e-copy
July 27-BlookGirl-Guest Post, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
July 28-Parajunkee-Character Interview (Juli), Review, Giveaway of e-copy
July 30-GReadsBooks-Guest Post, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
July 31-Alluring Reads-Guest Post, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
August 1-Well Read Reviews-Isaac’s Playlist, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
August 2-Sarah Reads Too Much-Juli’s Playlist, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
August 3-Book Brats-Interview, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
August 4- Verb Vixen-Picture Tour in Alabama, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
August 5-Girls in the Stacks-Podcast, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
August 6-The Readiacs-Interview, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
August 7-Great Imaginations-Extra Scene, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
August 8-Book Twirps-Guest Post, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
August 10-MundieMoms-Guest Post, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
August 11-The Aussie Zombie-Review, Giveaway of e-copy
August 12-YA Sisterhood-Song Lyric Interview, Review, Giveaway of e-copy
August 13-The Story Siren-Interview, Review, Giveaway of e-copy

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